Act Two

…What does that really mean? Act two?

When did I start act one?

I had no idea I started the “play” of my life! I just thought I started a life…

First of all, please note the previous posts are from my “Big act one” decision! Yup those posts are my husbands. (yes this “character” is still in my second act) If you read these post you’ll notice he is a lot nerder than I… his grammar is probably perfect, his topics…refined, his spelling…perfect, format, top notch!. But…

Yup! I’m stealing his blog! For one, he hasn’t posted in forever but the real reason is he stole my MY movie as his theme! Yes! Its my movie 🙂 Now, I know he added his own flare but come on… “152 insights” !

“152 insights into my soul” k.k”

So thank you Mr. NY152, this Blog is now mine:)…

So back to the topic at hand my “Act Two”

… in the words of Kathleen Kelly…

“well, I’m just wondering. I’m wondering about my work, and I’m just…what is it that I do, exactly? All I really do is run a children’s bookstore. ” K.K

(Obviously I don’t have a bookstore, but u get the drift)

She goes on to say…

“Sometimes I wonder about my life. I lead a small life… well, valuable, but small. And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it, or because I haven’t been brave? So much of what I see reminds me of something I read in a book, when… shouldn’t it be the other way around? I don’t really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So, good night, dear void.” k.k.

Now, this quote isn’t totally accurate to me but the feeling of these words are what I identify with.

I definitely love my life, raising my family gave me such a sense of purpose! I found my identity in it… maybe too much.

Now that my kids have grown, I’m having a hard time being “brave.”.. and I do sometimes feel like see the world through the lens of a book or more appropriate for me, a movie. The question I’m sending out into the void is simply …

“Whats next?”
