You Can’t Learn Your Way to a Great Business

YouCantLearnYourWaytoaGreatBusinessAlas, it seems that school has failed me.  I was good at it.  Learning, tests, etc.  Unfortunately, those skills are not the skills required in business.  Or, it seems, in life.

Doing things, rather than studying them, seems to be the way to create success in the business world.

Whenever I’m stuck, as I am these days, I’m noticing that I turn to learning.  What can I learn, study, or read that will turn things around?  Even within the business I’m tempted to study the stats, charts, graphs, or numbers… but that doesn’t lead me to the real actions that change things.  I’m resisting explaining how important those numbers are so that I can diagnose what is going wrong… and there, I just subtly did it.  Yikes!  Look how powerful that is.  My strength is weakness here.  It prevents me from actually DOING anything.

How do we affect results?  Doing stuff.  Even if that is the wrong stuff to do, it will lead to the right stuff, right?

But that idea breaks down for me.  Because I only have a limited amount of time and energy I want to do the “right” stuff.  So I try to figure out what that is.  But then I don’t get any stuff actually done, just more studying.

What affects results?  Actions.  What actions?